Videos and Podcasts

How do I dispose of unwanted controlled substances?

As a former practice owner, Jan Woods is acutely aware of how hard it can be for veterinarians and practice managers to find answers to business questions unique to the veterinary industry. Whereas clinical questions can easily be asked within shared medical communities, questions related to running a practice often go unanswered. Ask Jan is the solution to these unanswered questions.

IAAHPC – Jan Woods DEA Compliance

ATHENA Awards Finalist 2011, Southern AZ. Jan Woods is Hospital Administrator and Co-Owner of Veterinary Specialty Center of Tucson (

What should I do if my previous controlled drug logs do not include all the required information?

Do I need to log controlled substances in real time? And what exactly is real time?

Recently, we discussed the common mistakes that veterinary practices often make regarding controlled substance compliance with Jan Woods, a Regulatory Consultant for Controlled Substance education in the Animal Health industry, a Previous Practice Owner, and Co-Founder of Ask Jan.

The two most common errors are:

  • Failing to document controlled substances promptly, and
  • mistaking daily reconciliation and balancing of logbooks for satisfying the mandatory DEA biennial inventory counts.

We encourage you to watch our brief 2-minute video to avoid these issues and learn more.

Who should be logging controlled substance drug usage?

One Health in Veterinary Business with expert Jan Woods

What does human health do well that we in veterinary medicine can learn from? Vet Life Reimagined host, Dr. Megan Sprinkle talks with Jan Woods about Jan’s experience in managing human health practices and how she then learned how to make veterinary practices thriving successes.


Bonnie Bragdon, President of the Independent Veterinary Practitioner’s Association interviews Jan Woods, Co-Founder of Ask Jan For Help on the role her company is playing for veterinary practitioners.

We talked to Jan Woods, a Regulatory Consultant for Controlled Substances Education in the Animal Health Industry and asked her what is the actual cost of non-compliance.

Is there a permissible amount of discrepancies allowed in drug logs?

One of the most common misunderstandings around controlled drug log compliance is that there is some minimum amount of discrepancies allowed. The truth is, no amount of discrepancies is acceptable. Any discrepancies found must be dealt with quickly and transparently in accordance with regulations.

Watch our brief video to learn from Jan Woods about effectively handling discrepancies in your veterinary hospital. Discover how VetSnap can assist you in accounting for and documenting discrepancies in detail, with ease.

How should you document the use of controlled substances during mobile visits?

Are digital controlled substances logs allowed by the DEA?