Meet Epicur’s Advisory Council: Jan Woods Shares How She Helps Veterinary Practices Better Understand the Value of 503B Manufacturers

Jan Woods

Originally published on the Epicur Pharma Blog Page, October 2021

Controlled substances compliance and 503B manufactured products are two areas that create a lot of questions for DVMs. Jan Woods, a veterinary hospital consultant and national speaker with expertise in DEA compliance, state and federal regulations, and clinic and hospital practice management, advises DVMs on how to navigate regulations in their practices. With over 30 years in human and veterinary medicine, Jan understands the challenges facing the veterinary industry. She brings an important perspective to Epicur Pharma’s Advisory Council.

We sat down with Jan to learn more about what she commonly advises a veterinary practice on when helping them better understand such important regulations.

Hi, Jan; thank you for taking some time with us. What are the principal benefits you advise veterinary practices on when comparing the use of a 503B outsourcing facility versus a regular compounding pharmacy?  

Having a good 503B outsourcing facility that you can trust and depend on is an incredible convenience for the veterinarian, their patients, and their patients’ owners. I think the biggest time- and cost-saving benefit is when buying compounded controlled substances or legend drugs from a 503B manufacturer, such as Epicur Pharma, a practice can use those drugs for all their patients any time they are needed. When controlled substances and legend drugs are ordered from a regular compounding pharmacy, as veterinarians already know, those drugs can only be administered in-house to the specific patients for whom they were ordered.