Value or Sell Your Practice

Whether you are a solo veterinary practitioner considering the purchase of a new practice or a large specialty hospital preparing to present your practice to a host of prospective buyers, Ask Jan for Help Experts can provide the guidance necessary to maximize your economic position. Our Experts have experience with:

  • Associates buying-in to an existing practice
  • Practice valuation
  • Negotiation skills
  • Practice sales to corporate entities as well as individuals

Featured Expert: Dr. Charlotte Lacroix, JD

With both a JD and DVM, Dr. Charlotte Lacroix is uniquely qualified to assist Ask Jan For Help Members ensure that they are maximizing the value of their practice as they prepare to sell. In addition, her company, Veterinary Business Advisors assists practices with a variety of legal concerns beyond the financial, including: terminations, employee behavioral issues, equipment leases, reference lab contracts and more.

Read our blog post to learn more about how Dr. Lacroix’s can provide invaluable expertise to your practice:

Maximizing Your Veterinary Practice’s Economic Position with Veterinary Practitioner, Attorney and Founder of Veterinary Business Advisors, Inc., Dr. Charlotte Lacroix

Learn more about how your membership to Ask Jan For Help gives you access to dozens of industry experts like Dr. Lacroix for simple questions, and how membership credits can be used toward larger projects with these experts as the need arises..